Tuesday, September 24, 2013

let's build a house!

The "men" of Chambrun have decided it is finally time for me to have my own home in the village!  They were super excited when Katherine and I walked into the village one Saturday morning and instantly pulled us over to see the big surprise.  They quickly told me I'd need my camera and that I would want to take lots of pictures!  I am always shocked at how talented they are and once again they amazed me with their creativity.  The boys were thrilled to inform us that we would actually be able to live in Chambrun right next to them.  Oh and right next to the pig pen too!  I'm trying to think of all the positives of having a pig pen against my house- so far haven't come up with too many!  The boys for sure knew how to make me feel loved and special!
Who needs a big house?!  There is plenty of room for us to all sit!
Mixing the "cement."
Even Davidson "helped" to build the house!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

nursing interns

Left to right: Lindsey, Abby, Aubree, Megan, and me.
Myself, Caity, Hannah, and Katherine
When I worked at Methodist (a hospital in Indianapolis) I used to have student nurses partner with me during part of their last semester of nursing school.  I loved watching the students move from being a student that was used to having a lot of guidance and help to care for one patient progress to caring for multiple patients with little help needed.  The students grew in their knowledge of skills, confidence, and were hopefully more prepared for the real work world post their internship.  Last fall through late winter Aubree and I received applications from student nurses who were interested in a nursing internship with NVM during the summer of 2013.  Aubree and I prayed over the applications and after lots of emails and planning the interns started to arrive in May!  We were blessed to watch as Lindsey, Abby, Megan, Hannah, and Caity all truly jumped right into life here in Haiti.  They studied Creole and were bold in speaking even when they knew they would mess up and probably get laughed at.  They were quick to greet each patient in the clinic with hugs and compassion.  Each of them loved and served each patient they met well.  They spent day after day in the village loving on all of my little friends and their families.  They cried tears of brokenness and they rejoiced when it was time to celebrate.  They chose to look through the brokenness to find the hope in His plan.  These young women encouraged me and loved me while serving here.  I love that this wasn't just a clinical experience but I truly believe they also grew in their faith and met God in a new and real way.  So thankful that they stepped outside of their comfort zones this summer and answered the call He placed on their hearts.  
Lindsey with  Kris!
Abby and Rose
Megan and Nehyson
Hannah and Mykel
Caity and Dashline

Tuesday, September 3, 2013


This afternoon wasn't as hot as normal so Katherine and I decided it was the perfect day to surprise the kiddos with an outing!  Once we arrived in the village we let them know that we would be taking them on a walk.  They instantly got SUPER excited and rushed off to bathe and find clothes and sandals for the trip.  After everyone was dressed we started the walk to campus so everyone could play on the playground.  The children who are in school have played on the playground before but this was a huge first for all the younger kids.  I'm sure everyone that passed us on the road thought we were crazy- it isn't everyday you pass a couple white girls and their 14 children.  Watching the kids discover something completely new was so much fun.  They were simply able to play which allowed their personalities to shine.  I considered the event a huge success because we didn't loose any of the kids and were able to return all the children to their parents safely.  Katherine said it was literally like herding cats all the while repeatedly doing head counts to 14.  And the kids have already asked about visiting the playground again tomorrow so clearly they approved of the adventure!
Katherine and the girls
Davidson looks so grown up!