Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Yarley (sister), Madison( niece), Grandpa Leon, Grandma Eileen,
Caitlin (niece), and Mila (sister) at Easter
I'm now back in Haiti after spending two weeks in Indiana with my family.  I loved getting to see them and simply just be with them.  My trip home wasn't a planned one-- I bought my ticket early Sunday morning and then flew out Monday morning.  I love that I serve with amazing friends who value not only me but my family and that were 100% supportive in my decision to return home to spend time with my family as we celebrated the life of my grandfather.  They never once questioned "if" I would return home for the funeral but rather they asked when I would leave.  My grandpa was an amazing man of God and truly lived a simple yet impactful life to those around him.  He was a man of very few words (I didn't get that trait from him!) and yet when he did talk he typically had all of us entertained with stories from long ago when he was a child or in the war.  My grandfather left a legacy for each of his grandchildren and their families in his relationship with Christ and in his example as a Godly husband, father, grandfather, and friend.  I can't imagine not having him as a part of my life here on earth and yet I am happy that he is now truly at home in heaven.
Looking for fish at the lake with my sisters and nieces--Love them!
Going back and forth from Indiana to Haiti is hard for me.  When I leave Haiti I'm sad to leave my friends here and yet in the same way when I leave Indiana I'm an emotional mess at the reality of being away from my family and friends there.  God has blessed me with friends on both sides that welcome me each and every time and that are even ok with me when I'm an emotional mess.  I am grateful that He provides for each of my needs and that even the smallest detail of having friends greet me with hugs at the airport is met.
"Today is Brooke last day at home.  She is going back to Haiti.  Some day she will come back home!"
My niece Madison's surprise note for me the day I left--She knows how to break this Aunt's heart!

As soon as my feet were back on the NVM campus I knew I needed to make a quick trip to Chambrun to see my little friends.  I know I was only gone for two weeks but I can't explain just how hard that is for my heart.  I love those little ones=)  My friends in Chambrun have a way of making me feel beyond special and loved and were quick to start the fight over who got held first as they all came running to greet me.  I love that as I was in Indiana going through really difficult things that these friends were praying for me and my family.  They wanted to know how my grandmother was doing, my mother, father, siblings and so on.  In just a moment my world became so very small.   Having two different "homes" is really difficult and yet when those world's collide, even if it is for just a few moments, it is the most amazing experience ever.  My Haitian family is praying for my American family and vice versa my American family is praying for my Haitian family.  God is good.  I am blessed and humbled by the support from each person that makes it possible for me to live and serve here in Haiti.  Your prayers and support are truly what make it possible for me to follow this call that Christ has placed on my heart.
The perfect ending to my first day back in Haiti!

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