Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Seeking Him

"If you begin to live life looking for the God that is all around you, every moment becomes a prayer." Frank Bianco 

I haven't been able to get this quote out of my mind for the last several months.  And honestly, it couldn't be more true.  There have been so many moments lately where I have honestly had to mentally list where I see God in the event/story.  It's so easy to get lost in the daily tasks and busyness of life.  My prayer is that I'll take the time to stop and look for God.  That I won't get overwhelmed at the details and miss what He is already doing right in front of me.  Love the picture of having every moment as a prayer to Him.

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1 comment:

  1. Love these little precious (kids) gifts from God, Thanks for sharing Brooke. See you in July.

    The Clemens' Family
