Friday, December 9, 2016


So I won't lie--we decorated for Christmas way back in November and honestly it was the best decision ever. I decided that since Thanksgiving isn't a Haitian holiday there really was no reason to wait any longer!  Oh if you could have heard the squeals that came from my kiddos when I surprised them by pulling out the Christmas decorations. We spent the entire morning making my house look so "bel" (literally translated beautiful but in reality the look is more tacky 😂).  The kids took great pride in each job they were given and if you were to visit our house they would not only give you a tour and show you every single decoration but they would also tell you who put it there. Daniella's first thing she does everytime she walks through the door is run around and turn on all the lights. She told me she just knew that I would sleep SO sweetly with all the beautiful lights on. Last year was the first year for decorating the house and I felt leery about trying to start little traditions in my home. I'm so thankful that I stepped out and embraced the chola and crazy though and that we did it because this year they were literally just waiting until we got to do it all again. 

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful... Brooke you are an Angel... Absolutely LoVe all the posts... Keeping YoU and your Little Family in My Heart n Prayer.
    Merry Christmas! Hugs Hugs ❤✌
